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Saint James Music Academy

Summer 2019/ Research, Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Verbal Identity,  Visual Design, Social Media Strategy, UX Strategy, Website Design, Website Dev

Opening its doors to the Downtown Eastside in 2007, Saint James Music Academy (SJMA) is a non-profit music academy that believes in music for social transformation and uses an orchestral and choir-based approach to model healthy community life.



An emotionally engaging, refreshed Brand Identity that resonates with and unifies a clear message to the students of the academy and the community.

Saint James Music Academy Old New Logo


By immersing in the academy’s diverse music programs including their Spring Recital, the Railyard Lab 2019 cohort developed a cohesive Brand Identity and voice that reflects SJMA’s values of unwavering love, encouraging excellence through a dedication to music, building on the strengths of the community, and the honouring of individuality.

Saint James Music Academy_Children


Creating a brand & creative strategy, UX strategy, and communication strategies that supports SJMA mission of creating a community of learning where children and youth collaborate together and celebrate achievement.