Summer 2016 / Research, Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Visual Design, Website Design
The envisioning of a rebrand for a change management firm whose design methods and focus on the humanity of its individual participants differentiate it from its competitors.

After 23 years in the industry and new, neuroscience-based design methods that makes a clear difference within client organizations, there was an opportunity to reintroduce Wray Group, re-energize their existing clients, and inspire new ones.

Railyard apprentice, Stevie Nguyen, created a brand strategy that highlights Wray Group’s exceptional ability to connect with individuals and empower them to be their best selves was developed.

A brand, creative and communication strategy, including a new identity, that accentuates Wray Group’s ability to empower people to develop themselves, and make a difference in their organizations and the world. Wray Group received complete guidelines to reintroduce themselves to the market, accentuating their personable character, and attracting new clients.