Archives for September 2016

September 2, 2016 - No Comments!

Our Legacy

Our first week at Railyard started off in an instant as we got working on our legacy project right away. Utilizing a modified and expedited Google sprint methodology, we developed an idea in one jam-packed day!

From journey mapping to sketching and from developing   to implementing, we created this legacy project to physically embody our experience at Railyard and allow future cohorts to do the same. Inside each rail, each cohort is tasked to put something that captures their experience at Dossier. In our rail, we put a number of slats of wood that contain advice and thoughts from this year that can be read by future cohorts! We hope that our insight and memories of this year is good reading for 2017 and beyond! Soon it will be their job to capture their experience in this makeshift time capsule in a fun and creative way!





2016  Yardies

September 1, 2016 - No Comments!

Four Months Ago

Four months ago, I began my Railyard internship not knowing what to expect, now I wish I could do it all again. Four months ago, I cautiously walked down Princess Ave into a big white building, now it’s my second home. Four months ago, I thought UX was designing apps, now it is being understanding and empathy towards real people. Four months ago, I met three of my coworkers, now they’re the talented, crazy individuals I call friends. It’s from these three individuals that where four months ago I thought I knew a lot, but now have even more of an appetite to learn. Let me explain.

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