Faces of Alexander St
Summer 2016 / Research, Experience Design, Visual Design
A photo and video experience that starts conversation and bridges the social housing residence on Princess Avenue and the Alexander Business Centre in the Railtown community.

To reduce the stigma behind social housing and create connection and relationships between the business and social housing residence side of the street.

With photographer, Ian Sheh, and video production company, Wakefield Productions, we developed an intricate photo and video project to start conversations with individuals on opposing sides of the street. By taking photos of individuals on each side of the street and filming a conversation and exchange between two business people and two residents, we created a story that brings to life the similarities and shared experiences of all individuals in the community.

Ending with a barbecue from Blue Ketchup BBQ at the social housing residence third floor patio with photographer Britney Berrner, we hosted business people and social housing residents on a beautiful sunny day. We showed the final video production at the residence and were asked to replay it many times. Burgers were served, conversations were sparked, and connections were made.