Bruce Beh

Part of RY 17 my interest is in Business and Design. You'll see posts from me mostly related to those two topics. I also like really random stuff so there will likely be a lot under "other" as well. And also just cool user experiences, digital and non-digital. Sometimes I ramble, oops.

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The magic of microcopy
Delight is in the details and details make the design! Short read on why microcopy is part of what makes something delightful (without overdoing it). Its broken down into 6 major sections: Be Human, Sprinkle in some surprise, boost their confidence, get personal, sweat the details and pair it with a picture.
AutoDraw by Google Creative Lab - Chrome Experiments
Machine learning drawing. Scribble something and watch it turn it into something great.
10 things you need to learn in design school if you’re tired of wasting your money
Since most of us here are probably done school (or near the tail end), this one's for those who somehow stumble across this site as a new student or soon to be design student. The gist of it is that you get what you put in but there's still some good things to remind ourselves of like how design is a business skill and design does not sell itself.
The UX Secret That Will Ruin Apps For You
This is an interesting read. Intentional delay to create trust within users.
Ten Types of Innovation
A framework for innovation. Be sure to look at the PDF brochure on the site that gives you an overview of what they are.
Penn Station West End Concourse — Pentagram
Large-scale environmental graphics and wayfinding guide commuters through the first phase of New York's Moynihan Station redevelopment.
Ken Robinson: 10 talks on education
Education legend Sir Ken Robinson picked the talks he loves — all full of insight, bright ideas and, of course, creativity.
Quad Cinema — Pentagram
New York’s first multiplex reopens with a stunning new identity, signage and digital design.