
When nothing else fits, this is where it all belongs. Maybe its an awesome playlist that helps you work or a cool site you just want to share. It all goes in here.

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Branding and Identity
Branding and Identity
Nice little video that sums up the basics components branding and identity.
The magic of microcopy
Delight is in the details and details make the design! Short read on why microcopy is part of what makes something delightful (without overdoing it). Its broken down into 6 major sections: Be Human, Sprinkle in some surprise, boost their confidence, get personal, sweat the details and pair it with a picture.
AutoDraw by Google Creative Lab - Chrome Experiments
Machine learning drawing. Scribble something and watch it turn it into something great.
How to truly listen - in the Words of Deaf Musician Evelyn Glennie.
Beautiful perspective on sound, music, and how we listen to and experience it.
SFU SIAT's Touchpoint 2016 Conference PLUS Some Sweet Motion Graphics
Every February, SFU's SIAT program puts on this amazing conference with designers hailing from all over North America. Topics include tensions in corporate culture, designing in boxes, fighting over what constitutes a unicorn these days, and more! Come check it out some time! Animation by Juan Henao and Aaron La Lau. Music by Sango.
The UX Secret That Will Ruin Apps For You
This is an interesting read. Intentional delay to create trust within users.
Ken Robinson: 10 talks on education
Education legend Sir Ken Robinson picked the talks he loves — all full of insight, bright ideas and, of course, creativity.